Brainwave-Driven Design Feedback: Embracing Neuro UX in User Experience

Read Your Clients' Thoughts.

95% of our thoughts, emotions, and learning occur subconsciously. According to one study, a person can solve a puzzle 8 seconds before becoming conscious of it. Thus, numerous processes are happening inside our heads that are invisible, but understanding them gives a significant advantage in planning sales strategy. (Dooley, 2012)


Neuro UX helps you understand what's going on in your customer's mind to achieve better sales results for less money.

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Company-Based Approach
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Comprehensive Overview of your Target Group's Attitudes
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Immediate Feedback on your Product Packaging/Website/Service

What is Neuroscience, and What is Neuro UX?

Neuro UX utilises neuroscience to explore user reactions and abilities in relation to various tasks and stimuli. By using Neuro UX, you can discover what people genuinely think of your test product packaging or materials. The primary focus is on consumer reactions to apps, websites, product packaging, and marketing materials (messages, advertising, visuals, etc.).


Neuro UX aims to understand human emotions, reactions, attention, susceptibility, and avoidance desires through physiological indicators. It uses measures that the human body does not consciously control, such as brain waves, cardiovascular and heart indicators (pulse, blood pressure), changes in the skin's chemical composition, muscle contractions (e.g., facial muscles), eye position (what is noticed), and pupil size changes.


For example, one might measure the difference in impulses between the right and left frontal lobes of the brain using a specialised device to understand whether an individual would choose or avoid a product or advertisement. By grasping subconscious and primary reactions, we can assess whether a person might unconsciously make a purchasing decision based on emotions, avoiding the mentally more complex rational consideration.

Idea Phase

You are creating a new service or product and want initial and honest feedback on your ideas. We test marketing materials, initial visuals, or the concept.

Design Phase

You would like to ensure that your product design or user experience is on the right track. During the design phase, neuro UX can provide input on whether the current design is user-friendly or causes user dissatisfaction.

Finished Product

Wondering how to improve your product further or want to find out why it isn't performing as expected? NeuroUX can help identify the issues.

How Do We Measure Human Reactions at Trinidad Wiseman?

  • the process resembles a standard user test
  • we require a stimulus from the client – image, video, webpage, prototype
  • testing with 15 people
  • using Muse and MyGaze


We introduce the study and test equipment, including biometric measurements, to the participant.

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We show them the product packaging on a screen while simultaneously measuring their physiological reactions.



We then conduct a semi-structured interview with the participant.



We correlate the product packaging elements with identified emotions and reactions



We present you with conclusions about what caused strong reactions in the consumer.

Testing Product Packaging or Service with Neurofeedback

Testing Product Packaging with Neurofeedback

At Trinidad Wiseman, we recommend conducting tests on packaging with human reactions at the design stage to ascertain if progress is being made in the desired direction.
You can find out more in our blog post.


Initial Product Packaging Interaction

  • first impression

  • understanding what it's about

  • first-time use



Specific task completion

  • complicated areas

  • strain

  • emotional strength

Testing Marketing Materials with Neurofeedback

Neuro UX ensures understanding and attractiveness in your campaign advertising and identifies whether the materials are persuasive and help achieve business goals.

Identifying Engaging Information

  • did they see it?
  • did they notice?
  • did they understand?

Associated Emotional Strength

  • is there motivation?

Testing Ideas (Marketing Texts, Drawings) Together with Neurofeedback

Is the idea comprehensible?

  • is there a strain?

Is the idea pleasant?

  • is there an avoidance desire?
  • are there strong emotions?
  • is there motivation

Testing the Brand (Logo, Slogans, Elements) with Neurofeedback


  • avoidance – approach
  • desire strenght of emotions
  • motivation strain

Comparing with Other Brands

  • avoidance – approach
  • desire strenght of emotions
  • motivation strain

Service Cost

For example, a study of 3 product packages with 30 people costs €13,500 + VAT, (prices of neurostudy start at €2,600 + VAT).


Discover our articles dedicated to Neuro UX: 


Would you like to order a Neuro UX project from us? Get in touch with our Head of Service Design.

Liina Martõnjak

Head of Service Design

Liina is the Head of Service Design at Trinidad Wiseman. With over 14 years of experience in the IT industry, she has worked in roles ranging from developer to interaction designer. Liina holds a master's degree in Interaction Design from University College London and a master's degree in Informatics from TalTech. She has also shared her expertise as a guest lecturer at TalTech and IT College.

If you wish to discuss your project or have questions about the work being done at Trinidad Wiseman, please feel free to get in touch with us.

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